The best part of going to the pancake places, aside from eating the pancakes, is that you get to watch them expertly shape, flip, and plate up serving after serving of fluffy goodness.
Thanks for coming, but there is nothing more we need to talk about! Game over. I’ll just be eating this beet and burrata salad from here on out.
Oh so long ago, back when I was still in high school, my mom came home from work one day clutching a photocopied hand-written banana bread recipe.
If you’ve somehow never tried pho, you’re in for a treat. It’s a cozy, beefy, aggressively spiced soup that is also light, fresh, and bright at the same time
Purin is a Japanese take on crème caramel, also known as flan, caramel custard, egg pudding, or caramel pudding. Essentially it’s a gently cooked custard dessert made from eggs, milk, and sugar, with a layer of clear caramel sauce on top.
There’s just one shade, transparent, which fits my skin, but I don’t know if it may end up ashy on darker ones. This comes in a great packaging with a swivel system that keeps the powder tightly shut.
I’ve had a few such products and they are all the same. For every one the companies say they contain pigments that adapt to every skin tone, which is not very likely.